Version 1.0 (Shareware, 17,- US) |
Screenshot Utility is a screen capture program. It resides in the system tray, and when you press a hotkey combination, it captures and saves a snapshot of your screen as a JPEG, GIF, or BMP file.
You can define your own hotkeys, choose default path for saving files, and select area to capture (entire screen or active window). After the screenshot was captured, Screenshot Utility alerts you with a message or a sound. You can choose an option for automatic saving (the program will automatically increment file names of captured screenshots), or select the filename manually after each capture.
Screenshot Utility is small, simple and very easy to use. Just double-click the tray icon, set your preferences, and start capturing screenshots! |
Mit SMSout versenden Sie einfach und schnell Einzel-SMS und personalisierte Serien-SMS. Es können SMS ohne eigenen Absender, mit eigenen Absender oder ohne eigenen Absender mit Antwort-Option sofort oder später versendet werden.
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©2025 Mirko Böer
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